Is Happiness Real, or Just an Illusion We Chase After?

This blog article explores the concept of happiness and its elusive nature. While happiness is a real feeling, it is also an illusion as it is not a permanent state of being. Rather than constantly chasing after happiness, the article suggests that we shift our focus towards finding joy in the present moment through cultivating positive habits and practicing gratitude. By embracing the small things that bring us joy, we can create a more sustainable and fulfilling sense of well-being in our lives. The author shares their own journey towards finding joy in their everyday life and encourages young adults to approach life with a sense of appreciation for the present moment.


Majda EL Bermaki

4/8/20234 min read

As human beings, we all crave happiness. It is a feeling that we constantly strive for, a state of being that we want to achieve. But what exactly is happiness? Is it a tangible thing that we can achieve, or is it just an illusion that we chase after in vain?

At its core, happiness is a subjective experience. What makes one person happy may not necessarily bring the same level of happiness to another. However, the pursuit of happiness is often fraught with obstacles. We live in a world that is constantly changing, and it can be difficult to find happiness amidst the chaos. Many of us have experienced moments of happiness that are fleeting, like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day. We may feel happy for a moment, only to have that feeling fade away as soon as the next challenge arises.

So, is happiness really a thing, or is it just an illusion? The answer is both. Happiness is a real feeling that we can experience, but it is also an illusion in the sense that it is not a permanent state of being. We may feel happy in one moment, but that feeling may not last forever.

The key to finding happiness is not to seek it out as a destination but to embrace it as a journey. Happiness is not something that we can achieve and then forget about. It is a state of being that we must work towards every day. This means cultivating habits and behaviors that promote positivity and joy in our lives, as well as engaging in activities that bring us joy, focusing on joy is way better than running after happiness.

While happiness is often seen as a state of being, joy is more of a feeling or emotion that we can experience at any moment. Joy can come from small things, like a child's laughter or a beautiful sunset, and it doesn't require any particular circumstances to be present.
On the other hand, happiness is often tied to achieving a particular goal or reaching a certain state of being. It is often seen as a perfect state that is unattainable and difficult to maintain. This can create a lot of pressure and stress for people who feel like they are constantly chasing after happiness.

So, what can we do to shift our focus from happiness to joy? One way is to focus on the present moment and find joy in the small things that are already present in our lives. This can include things like spending time with loved ones, taking a walk in nature, or enjoying a favorite hobby.
Another way to cultivate joy is by practicing gratitude. Taking the time to appreciate the good things in our lives, no matter how small they may seem, can help us shift our focus from what we don't have to what we do have.
It's important to remember that joy is something that we can experience at any moment, no matter what our circumstances may be. By shifting our focus from happiness to joy, we can create a more sustainable and fulfilling sense of well-being in our lives.

As I sit here reflecting on my journey toward finding joy in my everyday life, I can't help but feel grateful for the small things that have brought me the most joy. It wasn't always like this, though. There was a time when I was constantly chasing after big dreams and striving for a sense of achievement that always seemed just out of reach.
But then I realized that true happiness isn't found in achieving big goals or acquiring material possessions. It's found in the everyday rituals and moments that make up our lives, like my morning routine, my prayers five times a day as a Muslim, my workouts and HIIT cardio, or the laughter I share with my friends and family, etc.
It's in these moments that I find a sense of peace and contentment that I never knew was possible. Instead of constantly looking toward the future and obsessing over my potential for success, I've learned to focus on the present and find joy in the everyday moments of my life. And you know what? The journey towards my goals has become so much more enjoyable and bearable as a result.
Of course, I still get anxious about the future and wonder if I'm doing enough to achieve my full potential. But I've learned to shift my focus back to the small joys in my life when those thoughts start to overwhelm me. It's amazing how much more resilient I feel in the face of life's challenges when I approach them with a sense of joy and contentment.

To all the young adults out there, I urge you to take a step back from the constant pursuit of success and achievement thinking they are the key to your happiness. Instead, focus on the small things in your life that bring you joy - whether it's a cup of coffee in the morning, a good book, or a walk in nature. Trust me, you'll find that life becomes so much more fulfilling when you approach it with a sense of joy and appreciation for the present moment.

In conclusion, I've learned that true happiness isn't something that we achieve once and for all. happiness is both a real feeling and an illusion. It is a state of being that we can experience, but it is not a permanent destination that we can reach and forget about. It's a journey that we undertake every day, and it's up to us to find joy in the everyday moments of our lives. So, let's embrace the small things and find joy in the present moment, and I promise that the journey toward our goals will become so much more enjoyable as a result.